Draco aims to build an academy to promote and share knowledge about Chinese Metaphysics with people from all walks of life, for them to one day be able to be self-sufficient and in control of their lives. He focuses on value creation – ensuring that his clients and students get maximum benefit in all their encounters with him. From empowering them to overcome adversity, to awakening their hidden potential, and to mitigating issues they face in life, Draco has touched and transformed the lives of many.

“I believe that everyone has the power to transform their lives, they just need the knowledge and the skills. And most importantly, the desire to make things happen.”

- Draco Lin


He is known to be able to convert complicated Chinese Metaphysics concepts into simple, easy to understand and executable strategies for even the layman and beginners; as well as the ability to create links to make these olden classics relevant and applicable in this 21st Century. His personal touch during his seminars and consultations is much raved about; and he goes the extra mile to guarantee that every individual who attends his courses will leave happy and well equipped with the imparted knowledge.


With a strong interest and affinity with Chinese Metaphysics, Draco first started his learning journey at an early age of 9. Since then, he has continuously pursued his passion and expertise in various fields of Chinese Metaphysics, ranging from I Ching, QiMenDunJia, Bazi, San Yuan/San He Fengshui to ZiWeiDouShu. With a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) under his belt, Draco believes in life-long learning and seeks to upgrade himself with every opportunity. A man of humble beginnings, with a sincere heart of giving – Draco Lin.